Building a portfolio that can handle market volatility amid the Coronavirus

Curt Pouyer |

Building a portfolio that can handle market volatility amid the Coronavirus  

With Coronavirus worries creating rapid changes in the markets, your portfolio construction can be the difference between continued growth or difficult losses. The markets will ebb and flow, but the secret to quality investing is not the amount of money in your account, but rather the quality of your portfolio. Your portfolio is the principal tool in which your financial advisor will work through and setting up a robust portfolio will be vital in handling market volatility. So, we thought it was time to touch on some of the ways in which you can build a portfolio that can handle market volatility. 

  1. Figure out an objective
    Your portfolio needs direction, or else what is even the point? Whether you are looking to invest in your retirement, or save up enough for your children’s schooling, you need an objective.  This objective should be long-term, and big enough that it is something to work towards, but not so vast that it is unattainable.
  2. Limit Investment Turnover
    Your portfolio is not something to play around with. Look at this way; you should not rent a stock. Instead, you should look to invest in a business. Yes, you can have some short-term investments, but the majority of your portfolio should consist of stocks that you are okay to invest and hold-on to for up to five years.
  3. Be realistic and understand the ups and downs of the market
    Investing in a low-yield stock and expecting it to triple in the first year is not going to happen, so why would you expect it? Instead, take the time to understand your investments and know what to expect in terms of return. This will allow you to ride the market during the highs and the lows and continue to keep an even keel over the long-term.
  4. Diversify!
    Investing is a long-term game, and betting all of your money on a single company over a five-twenty-year period does not make sense. Instead, look to diversify your investment across multiple blue-chip or up-start companies in several industries. Thus, if one market is struggling, one of your other companies will take up the slack until the market corrects. Simply put, diversification will allow you to continue to see substantial returns year over year.
  5. Talk to an expert!
    Your financial advisor is here for a reason, and we can help build your portfolio to ensure that it can ride out market volatility. Our entire job is to help guide your portfolio and money to grow over time, and we are here for you!

No matter if COVID-19 has a continued effect, your financial advisor can help you navigate the daily ebbs and flows of the market. With your custom build portfolio, your money will continue to grow, even at the most volatile times. Need help building a portfolio, or want a second opinion on your current set-up? Let’s chat! 

*The information provided is not written or intended as tax or legal advice and may not be relied on for purposes of avoiding any Federal tax penalties. Individuals are encouraged to seek advice from their own tax or legal counsel. Individuals involved in the estate planning process should work with an estate planning team, including their own personal legal or tax counsel. Neither the information presented nor any opinion expressed constitutes a representation by us of a specific investment or the purchase or sale of any securities. Asset allocation and diversification do not ensure a profit or protect against loss in declining markets.